Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Moroccan couscous

500g /750 g of shoulder lamb
500/750g chicken
2 onions          
1 tablespoon of olive oil.
500 of Turnips
500 g of Carrots  
500 g of Zucchini
150 gr of Garbanzo beans
2 Tomatoe
1 pinch of saffron
1 handful of parsley and cilantro sprigs, tied into a bouquet
1 Teaspoon of ginger or one piece of fresh ginger
Salt and pepper

For the couscous:        
1 kg de grain of couscous medium 

2 à 4 Table spoon of olive oil.
½ Glass of water.
200g of butter
              Mix the meat, onion, tomatoes, oil and spices in the bottom of the couscoussier. Cook uncovered over medium to medium-high heat, stirring occasionally, for about 15 minutes, or until the meat is browned and the onions and tomatoes have formed a thick sauce. Add 2 1/2 liters (about 2 1/2 quarts) of water, the parsley/cilantro bouquet, and the garbanzo bean. Cover, and bring to a boil over high heat. Reduce the heat to medium, and simmer rapidly for 25 to 30 minutes. (Note: If omitting both meat and chick peas, there's no need to simmer for awhile before proceeding to the next step.) 
              Start by emptying 1kg of dry couscous into a very large shallow bowl. Add about tablespoon cup of olive oil. Toss, rub and stir the couscous with your hands to distribute the oil. The oil helps prevent clumping, allowing each grain of couscous to remain separate as it steams. Add water and toss again. Transfer the couscous to the steamer, taking care not to compress or pack the couscous. Place the steamer on top of the base of the couscoussier! Once you see steam rise from the couscous, allow the couscous to steam for about 15 minutes. Once the couscous has completed its first steaming, empty it from the steamer into your large bowl. Use a spoon to break it apart. Next, add two glasses of water. Toss the couscous and rub it between your palms to break up any balls or clump. Put the couscous back into the steamer. Steam a second time for another 15 minutes, timing from when you see the steam rise from the top of the couscous. Steam one-third time.
                The couscous is now ready to serve. Turned out the steamed couscous, and tossed in 2 tablespoons of butter, salt and a ladles of broth. I the middle make a little crater where you will put the meat and arrange the vegetables, on top, and more broth poured over all.
                Sometime I add caramelized onions and raisins in olive oil on top the couscous. Serve very hot. You can add harissa to add a spicy taste.

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